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Annual General Meeting
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The 2023 AGM will take place online at 5pm on Thursday 18 January 2024. A full agenda is set out below and I also attach the minutes of the last AGM.
I hope that everybody who is free will be able to attend. If you know that you can't, could you please send me your apologies so they can be registered at the meeting. If anyone has any motions for the meeting could they submit them to me asap. If any are received, I will copy them to all members for information. Any issues you wish to raise on motions should be made at the AGM.
We will need to elect a new committee. Please send any nominations to me asap. If there are no advance nominations, we will fill any vacancies or make any other changes on the day. The committee elected at the last AGM was as here.
Hope to see you there.
Jason Marchant, Secretary.
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of the last AGM
3. Matters arising from last year’s minutes
4. Chairman’s report
5. Treasurer’s report
6. Election of Officers
7. Motions
8. Arrangements for upcoming season
9. Any other business