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Match format Tossing
Opposition Innings Opposition InningsOpposition InningsOpposition Innings Opposition ScoreOpposition ScoreOpposition ScoreOpposition ScoreOpposition Score
Opposition OversOpposition OversOpposition Overs
Superstars High Performers ScoreScoreScore Superstars High Performers ScoreScoreScoreScore
Opposition High Performers ScoreScoreScoreOpposition High Performers ScoreScoreScoreOpposition High Performers ScoreScoreScore
Superstars Innings Superstars Innings Superstars ScoreSuperstars ScoreSuperstars ScoreSuperstars ScoreSuperstars Score
Superstars OversSuperstars OversSuperstars OversSuperstars OversSuperstars Overs
Superstars High PerformersScoreScoreScore Superstars High PerformersScoreScoreScore
Opposition High Performers ScoreScoreScoreScore Opposition High PerformersScoreScoreScoreScore
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Match Report
Everyone loves a last over thriller and that's what we got as the sun dipped behind the poplars at Chiswick on Thursday evening. Superstars were invited to field and bowled consistently on a bright green square, marooned in a sea of rock solid parched earth. Our opponents progressed to the halfway mark without incident, amassing around 70 runs. Harish Kumar made the first breakthroughs, bowling straight and with zip. John Bishop then tore the middle order to pieces, taking a 3 wicket maiden and finishing with 2-1-3-3. Now it’s probably not totally fair to mention that the opppent's middle order were perhaps not hugely experienced cricketers, so we won’t. Michael Duggan snaffled a wicket towards the end and Gary Plahe bowled a decent last over, leaving Superstars chasing 143.
Matt Conway set about the bowling from the start at soon retired for 25. James Hewlett anchored the innings, allowing Paul and Diwikar to cut loose (relatively speaking) and fire some welcome boundaries. Bishop, Mountain and Konrad all chipped in, but it was Barry Gigg, in his 14,000th game for the club, that saw us home with two balls to spare. He made 24 off 22 balls, including boundaries in the 19th and 20th overs to ease the nerves of the anxious Superstars on the boundary.
Barry Gigg (c), Michael Duggan, John Bishop, James Hewlett, Harish Kumar, Konrad Chodzko-Zajko,
Matthew Conway, Gary Plahe, Diwakar Patwal, Chris Mountain, James Hewlett.
The opposition last year were referred to as Tideway but this year are Jacobs - it's essentially the same bunch though.
Match Action and Scorecards