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Date DateDate Date at ground titleGround
Match One Match One OversOvers
Result Result Result Result
Match Two Match Two OversOvers Overs
Result Result Result Result
Summary Summary
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Match Report
In the first match the Superstars Six limited the Impeccably Valiant squad to 27 all out in their five overs. James Hewlett and George Warren chased those runs by the start of the 3rd over for the loss of no wickets. The second opposition, clearly intimidated, failed to show up and Supertars had made it to the final.
Strange things happen in finals, but nothing ever stranger than Barry winning the toss. He elected to bowl. In a 10 over clash Superstars limited their opponents to 127-1. John Bishop completed a "hat trick" over the two games [to me this is the perefect type of hat trick, as it counts as one for jug and beer buying purposes but not in the stats]. Ben Bard and George opened up and bought up the 50 in the 4th over but both departed in that over too. Gigg and Hewlett steadied the ship and were left with 12 to win from the final over (remember as this is 6-a-side there were plenty of gaps in the field). That final over went 2 1 2 2 1, meaning James had to hit a four from the final ball to win the tournament alas he could only find a 2 and our heroes lost by one measly run.
Barry Gigg (c), George Warren, Harish Kumar, Ben Bard,
James Hewlett, Dan Forman, John Bishop.
Superstars were unable to add to their ten SPARTA Sports Day winners medals.
Clearly the team missed legends like Paul Gaught-Allen and Steve Meyler.