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Match format Tossing
Opposition Innings Opposition Innings Opposition ScoreOpposition ScoreOpposition ScoreOpposition ScoreOpposition Score
Opposition OversOpposition OversOpposition Overs
Superstars High PerformersScoreScoreScoreScore Superstars High Performers ScoreScoreScoreScore
Opposition High Performers ScoreScoreScore Opposition High PerformersScoreScore
Superstars Innings Superstars Innings Superstars ScoreSuperstars ScoreSuperstars ScoreSuperstars ScoreSuperstars Score
Superstars OversSuperstars OversSuperstars Overs
Superstars High PerformersScoreScore Superstars High PerformersScoreScore
Opposition High PerformersScoreScoreScore Opposition High PerformersScoreScoreScore
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Match Report
The Superstars arrived pretty promptly. As did the opposition. Unfortunately the stumps and boundary flags hadn't arrived. This was a problem. Apparently the captain, who hadn't arrived, had them and the pub who had a spare set was too busy to nip out the back to get them. I'm not totally sure what happened but eventually some stumps appeared. Phew.
Barry, inevitably, lost the toss and we were asked to field. After a decent start with Konrad and the guesting Ray picking up a wicket each Dan Forman entered the action and bowled beautifully taking three wickets at a reasonable rate and taking a great catch. Unfortunately Mike D, Ben B and Larne weren't able to contain the excellent PH middle order and they ended on 201 in their (shortened due to the lack of stumps) innings of 25 overs.
Superstars never really looked likely to chase down the runs but good efforts from Paul GA, Barry and debutant Joe Larne at least got the total to three figures (108) and kept the deficit to two digits - 93 runs.
Not the greatest of performances from Superstars but a good drink after put that to rights.
Barry Gigg (c), Joe Larne, Richard Abigail, Michael Duggan, Dave Cuthbertson, Konrad Chodzko-Zajko,
Steve Meyler, Paul Gaught-Allen, "Ray", Dan Forman, Benjamin Bard.
Highest attendance at a Superstars game of the season.
Steve Meyler improved his own record of "retired hurts" to 14,326 for the club.
Match Action and Scorecards