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Match Report
I could write a long, long match report and in many many ways this excellent win deserves it. Certainly bowling out Kings Road, who are normally better than us, for 90 deserves it and Aaron's figures were excellent but I'm not going to for two reasons-
1. I wasn't there and forgot to ask someone to write a report.
2. Barry Gigg scored his 10,000th run for the club and despite the thrilling one wicket win everyone was focussed on this amazing feat. The great moment was captured in the video below.
Congratulations to Barry and to the whole side who obviously collpased in pursuit of the low total to make the day even more special and memorable.
Barry Gigg (c), Jack Lovell, James Hewlett, Michael Duggan, John Bishop, Sam Farnham,
Steve Meyler, Paul Gaught-Allen, Gary Plahe, Chris Thomson, Benjamin Bard.
Just in case you missed it, Barry scored his 10,000th run for the club in this game - the first player to reach this mark.
Aaron's four wickets in 10 balls was mighty impressive.
Match Action and Scorecards