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Match Report
The match was delayed because neither team had a scorebook until Sir Steve Meyler and Gary Plahe OBE arrived (late, surprisingly enough for Steve).
They were too strong for us again. Very flat pitch and fast outfield. With Gary late and limited medium pace opened with Vijay and Plum who both took some tap from strong openers. Gary arrived in time to bowl 4th over and got Athwal to top edge to Green Sox loanee Cherry for 22. Runs continued to flow off Sandeep and Gary with Green Sox other opener retiring on 28 (7 4s in 21 balls) as did numbers 3 and 4. Taylor was relatively economical with 3 overs 22-1 (catch by Meyler). Duggan ttok a coiple of wickets (ct patwal keeping) and bowled. Plum came back with a great couple of overs at the death and a wi key courtesy of a another catch in the deep by Cherry.
John Bishop, Sandeep Goel, Diwakar Patwal, Vijay Anand, Errol Barnett, James Cherry,
Gary Plahe, Steve Meyler, Mike Taylor, Plum O'Riordan, Mike Duggan.
The match was delayed because neither team had a scorebook until Sir Steve Meyler and Gary Plahe OBE arrived (late, surprisingly enough for Steve).
Match Action and Scorecards