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Date Date Date Date Time at ground title Ground
Match format Tossing
Superstars Innings Superstars Innings Superstars Score Superstars Score Superstars Score Superstars Score Superstars Score
Opposition OversOpposition OversOpposition Overs
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Opposition High Performers ScoreScoreScoreScore Opposition High Performers ScoreScoreScoreScore
Opposition Innings Opposition Innings Opposition Score Opposition Score Opposition Score Opposition Score Opposition Score
Superstars OversSuperstars OversSuperstars OversSuperstars OversSuperstars Overs
Superstars High PerformersScoreScoreScoreScore Superstars High PerformersScoreScoreScoreScore
Opposition High Performers ScoreScoreScore Opposition High PerformersScoreScore
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Match Report
Ten Superstars, collectively registering about 47 injuries and illnesses, gathered at Chiswick for their first game with actual cricket of the season. Whilst the pre match player recruitment may have more resembled an episode of Casualty it was a also an emotional occasion as it was the last match on Pitch C (the best track they have) before Kings House wisely put in yet another 3G football pitch instead of a cricket pitch.
Allstars called incorrectly at the toss and Gigg (knee injury) elected to bat. Gaught-Allen (ankle, knee) and Hewlett (split loyalties) opened but both returned to the bench pretty soon for 9 and 3 respectively. New signing Joey Hale (28 retired) and Vijay (19) were the backbone (probably fractured) of the innings. Bishop (back) and Plahe (knee) were dismissed in consecutive balls but Duggan saw off the hat trick delivery and the partnered Forman to a total of 113, including a slightly farcical last ball run out. It felt a bit short.
With the smoke of a corporate barbecue, the noise from those corporates having penalty shoot outs and the occasional dark cloud drifting across the ground the Sups headed out to field. Konrad opened up with familiar quality (4-0-17-2) but despite the efforts of Gary (0-18) and Dan Forman (a rather unlucky 1-31) Allstars were in a solid position at 70-3. Enter Mike Duggan. The Sups legend had the Allstars in a daze taking 4 wickets (for 10) including a stumping for the hobbling Gigg and a nerveless catch from Gary (his second of the match) at long on. During this spell James Hewlett also took a stunning one handed catch with full length dive off Vijay’s bowling. Joey Hale’s debut also a very handy spell of bowling (0-13) but Allstars reached their target with just two wickets and nine balls spare.
A creditable effort with 10 players, many going through the pain barrier, and we were probably a player short of a good win.
Barry Gigg (c), Michael Duggan, Joey Hale, Dan Forman, Paul Gaught-Allen,
Gary Plahe, James Hewlett, Vijay Anand, John Bishop, Konrad Chodzko-Zajko.
Final game on Pitch C (sad times).
James Hewlett’s one handed full length diving effort is a strong early contender for catch of the year.
Too many injuries to narrow down to one.
Joey Hale’s debut.
Match Action and Scorecards