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Match format Tossing
Opposition Innings Opposition Innings Opposition ScoreOpposition ScoreOpposition ScoreOpposition ScoreOpposition Score
Opposition OversOpposition OversOpposition Overs
Superstars High Performers ScoreScoreScoreScore Superstars High PerformersScoreScoreScoreScore
Opposition High PerformersScoreScoreScoreOpposition High Performers ScoreScore
Superstars Innings Superstars Innings Superstars ScoreSuperstars ScoreSuperstars ScoreSuperstars ScoreSuperstars Score
Superstars OversSuperstars OversSuperstars Overs
Superstars High PerformersScoreScoreSuperstars High PerformersScoreScoreSuperstars High PerformersScoreScore
Opposition High Performers ScoreScoreScoreScore
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Match Report
SUperstars arrived at Wandsworth Park, with its view of the River Thames in rare shape with ELEVEN PLAYERS (some not even injured) and even won the toss. The Brickies, who insisted on no retirements, were inserted.
Superstars bowled well and chipped away at the Brickies batting line up until Riaz destroyed our line up with a blistering 39 not out. It was good to see newbies Joey, Lawrence and George all get overs and wickets. All also impressed in the field with Joey taking two catches. After being on target for 130 or so, the Brickies ended up on 150-6.
Suerstars were always a bit behind, truth-be-told, but good efforts from Vijay (26), Lawrence (20) and Errol (21) kept the opposition honest but Superstars reached 120-6. If Riaz had been forced to retire who knows what would have happened - it would certainly been a closer more enjoyable cricket match.
It's nice to play in a different place (even if the pitch isn't great) and the pub is good but this isn't a great fixture for Superstars really.
Barry Gigg (c), James Hewlett, Michael Duggan, Lawrence Howard, George Christodoulides,
Gary Plahe, Joey Hale, Errol Barnett, John Bishop, Ben Bard, Vijay Anand.
Two good catches by Joey Hale - a steepler off his own bowling and a sharp one at mid on.
Although not, technically, his debut this was the first game Lawrence Howard played where a ball was bowled so it was really his debut.
Bricklayers' Arms refused to play retirements.
Match Action and Scorecards