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DateDateDateDate Timeat ground titleGround
Match format Tossing
Opposition Innings Opposition Innings
Superstars Innings Superstars Innings
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Match Report
We won the toss (well done James H) but then it chucked it down and we retreated to the pub.
It has been decided that given the toss took place and people made the effort to get to the ground that this should be considered "abandoned" (and hence players get credited with an appearence) than cancelled.
James Hewlett (c), Benjamin Bard, Michael Duggan, Konrad Chodzko-Zajko, John Bishop
Will Spry, Lawrence Howard, Steve Meyler, Barry Gigg.
Our 14th abandonment ever and the first abandoned match since 2007.
Technically this was Lawrence Howard's debut.
Match Action and Scorecards