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Superstars, being one of the world's leading sporting clubs and brands, has always reflected modern life and led modern life. In January Superstars elected Matthew Conway as their new Chairman with 100% of the vote - a share even Vladimir Putin struggles to reach. Tough times call for a strong and stable leadership.
Matthew immediately set his sights on two of the other most powerful people in the world, "How can I respect Kim-Jong Underarm and Donald Bump-ball at high powered meetings like the UN Security Council, the Davos World Economic Forum and a few beers after a match against Ad Hoc when they don't even represent Test Match Nations?" said Conway who later announced plans to "cricketise" both nations - including Superstars Tours to them in the near future.
Matt meets a minor leader
All the players spoke to were effusive in their praise, using similar phrases as if they had been prompted which clearly wasn't the case. This included referring to Conway as the "Supremest Leader" and strong agreement with his plan to build a wall between Superstars and Dodgers even though there seemed little detail on where this might be. seemed less fulsome in their praise but their allegations were fake news, especially the one about Matthew being the only person wanting to do the job. That's outrageous and the fact no one else came forward is just because he is clearly the greatest leader of all time.
This website is grateful to Matthew Conway and bows to his every word.
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2017 AGM
The Supremest Leader's Profile