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A ground that hosted games in the 1700s (ask Steve what the wicket was like back in those days). It's certainly different as you are literally playing on the Green and people walk across the ground as they are unaware of the cricket. Huge crowd mind.
From RICHMOND station turn left onto the A307, I think it's one-way. Once the road kinks there are a variety of routes, but essentially you need to to right at some point and then left at some point. The ground is in front of the Princes Head and Cricketers pubs - pretty much where the red marker is on the map below.
Parking is possible but not neccessarily close.
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Past record titleOpposition
Superstars No. Won Opposition No. Lost
Won by 2 wickets
Lost by 93 runs
Lost by 51 runs
Won by 10 wickets (Meyler captaincy)
Lost by 92 runs
Won just by two wickets #SuperstarsClassicClashes