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Morden Road, Wimbledon, SW19 3XP..
Our former main home ground. This ground is fine, with a changing room and decent wicket. The only problem has been the poor service. Often the groundsman has not opened the rooms, done the wicket or whatever. We complained so let's hope it improves.
The walk from the South Wimbledon takes 15 minutes, turn left out of the station and walk straight down Morden Rd. Cross the road when you can and the ground is on the right - there's a gate you can nip in or a car park a little further up.
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Past record titleOpposition
SuperstarsNo. Won OppositionNo. Lost
Cancelled due to our lack of players
Won by 2 wickets
Lost by 90 runs
Lost by 7 wickets
Lost by 81 runs
Won by 5 wickets #SuperstarsClassicClashes
Won by 7 wickets
Lost by 13 runs
Lost by 80 runs