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Date Date Date Date Time at ground title Ground
Match format Tossing
Opposition Innings Opposition Innings Opposition Score Opposition Score Opposition Score Opposition Score Opposition Score
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Superstars Innings Superstars Innings Superstars Score Superstars Score Superstars Score Superstars Score
Opposition OversOpposition OversOpposition Overs
Superstars High PerformersScoreScore Superstars High PerformersScoreScore
Opposition High PerformersScoreScoreScore Opposition High PerformersScoreScoreScoreScore
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Match Report
The Superstars arrived at Chiswick to find that beautiful Pitch C was being heartlessly dug up to be replaced but yet another football pitch in London (I hear rats are envious about the short distance you need to go in London these days to find a football pitch). Anyway because of this we were were on the furthest pitch from the pavillion (Pitch D) with extremely long grass and boundaries, although the wicket looked a bit firmer than usual. Barry continued his tactic of letting opponents call and "winning" the toss - electing the chase with what looked a strong bowling line up.
Konrad opened superbly (again), removing Mike and conceding only 8 runs in his 4 overs. Gary backed him up well with only 13 coming off his 3 overs. Dodgers were finding it hard to get the ball through or over the Stars' competent fielding and ground conditions. Fixture Sec Chris Mountain joined the fray having the dependable NJ caught well by Rob Reeve at gulley. There were promising spells by Dan Kirby, who bowled with great pace and fielded expertly, and Plum O'Riordan who took her first wicket for the club when trapping Damian (who I believe had failed in an attempt to make the USA national side) LBW. It was right in front. Mike Duggan continued his wonderful early season form with two more wickets - one bowled and one stumped by Barry who was playing through the pain barrier again. However some lusty blows from JT, Mike Dollin and a couple of Dodgers I didn't recognise got them to a decent target of 129 - it was difficult to judge how good a score this was.
The Sups reply did not start well with Paul dismissed for a duck on the 4th ball of the innings. Aaron and Rob Reeve rebuilt but it always felt the Empire were ahead of the Jedi. With Aaron (19), Rob (19), Chris M (1), Dan Kirby (8, playing for the team in difficult circumstances to make a debut) and Gary (6) all falling in the pursuit of the ever increasing target it was left to JB (14, retired tired), Mike D (0 not out) and Plum (off the mark with 1 not out) to see out the innings and ensure a modicum of respectability was retained.
A loss by 36 runs in match one of the series leaves us the need to be perfect in the remaining two games but there are promising elements. The team stayed strong despite the fervent Dodgers crowd (aka Colette Dollin) and we saw two promising debuts.
Barry Gigg (c), Michael Duggan, Rob Reeve, Aaron Harris, Dan Kirby, Gary Plahe,
Chris Mountain, Plum O'Riordan, John Bishop, Paul Gaught-Allen, Konrad Chodzko-Zajko.
Promising debuts for Dan Kirby and Plum O'Riordan.
Rob Reeveā€™s catch at gulley was sharp.
John Bishop retired tired marker.
Match Action and Scorecards